The beautifull babyshop in Barcelona Limo bebe, have their own line of baby basics called limobasics. Have a look at their online shop or their blog, sure you are going to like this colorfull world!
If you love your baby and you love the enviroment, your going to love Babydam. Our Babydam is still going strong, it´s a wonderfull and practical invention to turn your bath into a babybath and saving serious amounts of water. It´s flexible and easy to install! For more information and to watch the video, see our website
I love this childrensroom, it´s such a happy and colorfull room, i like it especially because it features our chair Bronto.
The Bronto Chair is designed by Dutch designer Richard Hutten, that also made our Dombo cup. We have this chair available in the colors: lime, blue, orange and grey.
They are totally indestructible and you can use them inside the house or in the garden.
All of us here over at Tallytate are in love with the sleek Scandinavian design of the Leander crib. The Leander crib is a convertible crib that transforms in a bed for the baby grows up.
Are you also tired of seeing ducks in your bathroom?
We have received the most adorable silicone bath toys, fatalate and chemical free, secure for babies and children to play with them! Sure they will enjoy them as they come in many different colours and shapes. We have 4 sets: Sea, garden, pets and farm animals.
Dear Readers,
Thank you for visiting Tallytate blog. I am a girl who loves baby's and all the things people invent to make baby's life and that of their parents easier and joyfull.
For my job, import and distribution of original baby brands, I come a cross many interesting babystuff.
Please visit our website: for more information of the brands that we are representing.
All the best,